
Happy New Year!

I was never one to make resolutions. I never actually get around to fulfilling them and always around the time of year when I am supposed to be making new ones, I remember the old ones. Well, c'est la vie. This year, I have yet again come up with some resolutions to attempt at:
          1) Stand up straight. (I have major problems with this-everyone always thinks that my identical twin              sister is taller than me, when, in fact, I just don't stand up straight)
          2) Take control of my life. 2010 seems like the right year to become more independent and stop relying on my mother's wallet. In fact, I have already found something to strive for. There is this program at Barnard College in NYC over the summer for juniors and seniors that I really really really really want to go to. So, that automatically means that I have to start planning fundraising. This just screams BAKE SALE!
Now, I just have to find the time. With musical here and the application due in May, I hardly have time to do my homework, not to mention baking. We'll see how that goes. In the meantime, enjoy you're winter!


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